Grimana LTD Ix-Xewkijia Gozo

Tackling water use in Maltese agriculture being discussed in Gozo talk

Water Footprints – Tackling Water use in Maltese Agriculture, is the title of the next talk being organised by Cafe Scientifique.

Malta is a water-scarce country and water resources’ quantity and quality are being depleted considerably, and as Cafe Scientifique pointed out, the food we eat makes up 2/3 of our total water footprint.

“The agricultural sector is the major user of this resource, said the organisers, but should it be that way? Can we make more efficient use of water to produce our food? Or should we do without agriculture altogether?”

This next talk will explore these topics to stimulate discussion and help participants better understand the nexus between the use of water resources and the production of food in the Maltese Islands.

Malcolm Borg, leader of the Fowarim project and Deputy Director of the MCAST Centre for Aquatics, Agriculture and Animal Sciences, will be the speaker for the evening.

The venue is the Duke Boutique Hotel in Victoria, and the talk will be held on Thursday, the 15th of February, starting at 7:00pm, all are welcome.

Café Scientifique is a forum for conversation about the latest debates and developments in science and technology in a social setting.