The bee is part of the large family of insects and more precisely of the order Hymenoptera. The best-known species is Apis Mellifera, ie the honey bee. It can live in the wild or be raised to produce honey, it is the work of the beekeeper. Bees live in community within the hive, this is called a colony.

Our Products List
Apiguard 50gr Trays
Art.49 Leather Gloves
Art.60 Jacket Veil (xxl)
Ballcock 17der
Hive Tool American Model
Honey Gate Plastic 40mm W.nut
Leather Gloves Size 11
Trousers For Blouse Size L
Wax Sheet Bs Deep Wired
Bees Smoker
Queen Excluder
hat,veil (square) & Blouse
hat,veil& Full Obverall Size Xxl
hat,veil& Full Obverall Size Xxxl
plastic Rounf Top Feeder
wax Sheet Bs Deep Wired
wax Sheet Bs Deep Wired Drone
wax Sheet Bs Shallow Wi
Eight Way Bee Escape
Vita Feed Gold 1ltr
Vitamino L X 100ml